getContent - multiple declarations
Function getContent
Call GET, and return response content.
requests .streams .Buffer!(ubyte) getContent
string url
This is the simplest case, when all you need is the response body and have no parameters.
Buffer!ubyte which you can use as ForwardRange or DirectAccessRange, or extract data with .data() method.
Function getContent
Call GET, with parameters, and return response content.
requests .streams .Buffer!(ubyte) getContent
string url,
string[string] args
args = string[string] fo query parameters.
Buffer!ubyte which you can use as ForwardRange or DirectAccessRange, or extract data with .data() method.
Function getContent
Call GET, with parameters, and return response content.
requests .streams .Buffer!(ubyte) getContent
string url,
std .typecons .Tuple!(string,"key",string,"value")[] args
args = QueryParam[] of parameters.
Buffer!ubyte which you can use as ForwardRange or DirectAccessRange, or extract data with .data() method.
Function getContent
Call GET, and return response content. args = variadic args to supply parameter names and values.
auto ref auto getContent(A...)
string url,
A args
if (args .length > 1 && (args .length % 2 == 0));
Buffer!ubyte which you can use as ForwardRange or DirectAccessRange, or extract data with .data() method.